Kitemba Community Thrives: A Tree Planting Initiative Cultivates Hope and Sustainability

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In the heart of Kitemba LC1, nestled within the Rushayumbe watershed in Rwentuha sub-county, Kyegegwa District, the Kitemba Community Tree Planting Project stands tall as a testament to the power of community-led initiatives in sustainable environment and natural resources management.

In 2020, the Kitemba Community Tree Planting Project was initiated with a funding injection of 51,617,217 Ugandan Shillings, paving the way for positive change in the lives of 87 beneficiaries.

The community took ownership, forming a dedicated team of leaders led by Tusiime Simon, Chairperson of the Community Project Management Committee.

The project engaged 47 females, 40 males, and 9 individuals with disabilities.

The project took root in September 2021, guided by technical expertise from JESE, closely monitored by the District, watershed community facilitator, and the project management committee.

A diverse range of tree species, including Clonal eucalyptus, musizi, Griveria, and fruit trees, were planted across 15 acres, symbolizing a shared commitment to environmental conservation.

"This project has not only planted trees but has also planted hope and resilience in our community." - Tusiime Simon, Chairperson of CPMC

The project interventions have also reduced the effects of soil erosion and climate modifications through increased tree cover.

"The trees have become a shield against erosion, and our shared efforts have made our environment more sustainable." - Bangirano James, Chairperson of Community Procurement Committee.

Beneficiaries were trained on environmental and social safeguards, incorporating child protection, gender-based violence prevention, HIV control, and COVID-19 prevention.

There is a noticeable adoption of a saving culture through project activities. Many savings groups have been formed and are functional. Beneficiaries earned wages of 4,000 UGX every workday, with a saving of 1,500 UGX, totaling 81,000 UGX per beneficiary.

The growing of leguminous crops has improved nutritional benefits and generated income through surplus sales.

Fuel Wood Accessibility has workload on females by providing a local source of firewood.

The impact of the project on communities:

Climate Change Mitigation: Successful planting of diverse tree species on all 15 acres, is contributing to climate change resilience.

Fuel Wood Accessibility: Beneficiaries now access wood fuel closer to home, alleviating previous challenges.

Enhanced Saving Culture: Graduated self-help groups (SHGs) with a total savings of 2,349,000 UGX, showcasing improved saving habits.

Honey Production Success: Generated 1,400,000 UGX from selling 140 kg of honey, enriching four small groups.

"The honey sales have not just sweetened our pockets but have created a buzz of economic empowerment in our small groups." - Beinomugisha Margret, Treasurer of CPMC

Social Risk Management: Empowered beneficiaries with knowledge on social risk management, including children protection, gender-based violence prevention, and health protocols.

The Kitemba Community Tree Planting Project is not just a success story; it's a testament to the transformative power of grassroots initiatives. With an indelible impact on the environment, livelihoods, and community unity, Kitemba stands as a shining example of how a shared vision can cultivate hope and sustainability.

Clonal eucalyptus trees in blooming with leguminous crops on Kitemba community tree planting

Published by: Baingana Samuel

Communication Officer